
As a service to the scientific community, the DFG Research Unit Person Perception (PPRU) provides several databases with stimuli that were created and used in research published by the PPRU. These stimuli are freely available to academic researchers, on the understanding that they are used for own research only, and that proper credit (typically in the form of a citation) is given to the source of the stimuli.  To access these stimuli, please go to the stimulus database of interest and provide an academic or university-affiliated email address to speed up the processing of your request. As you will receive a semi-automated reply to your request, please add the following email address to your spam filter whitelist:

Links to lists of papers in the form:

Stimuli from:
Schweinberger, S.R., Zäske, R., Walther, C., Golle, J., Kovács, G., & Wiese, H. (2012). Young without Plastic Surgery: Perceptual adaptation to the age of female and male faces. Vision Research, 50, 2570-2576.

Short Description:
(a pdf file with detailed description is included in the download)

Morphs across age for 15 female and 15 male pairs of young (range 18-22 years) and older (range 68-72 years) faces. All images are edited by researchers at the PPRU, but Raw images were taken from the CAL/PAL Database (Minear & Park, 2004), so that this paper should also be cited in any publication using the stimuli.