Some of these articles can be accessed by clicking the respective article link. Where this is not possible, please send us an email to kathrin.wiese[at] to obtain electronic copies (.pdf).
Frühholz, S., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2021). Nonverbal auditory communication – Evidence for Integrated Neural Systems for Voice Signal Production and Perception. Progress in Neurobiology, 199, 101948. (Link to PDF)
Kowallik, A., Pohl, M., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2021). Facial imitation improves emotion recognition in adults with and without sub-clinical autistic traits. Journal of Intelligence, 9(1), 4. (Special Issue: Advances in Socio-Emotional Ability Research; Guest editors: K. Schlegel and S. Olderbak). (Link to PDF)
Nussbaum, C., & Schweinberger, S.R. (in press). Links between musicality and vocal emotion perception. Emotion Review. (Link to PDF)
Schlosser, M., Pfaff, N.G., Schweinberger, S.R., Marchant, N.L., & Klimecki, O.M. (2021). The psychometric properties of the Compassionate Love Scale and the validation of the English and German 7-item Compassion for Others Scale (COS-7). Current Psychology. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R., &; Dobel, C. (2021). Why twos in human visual perception? A possible role of prediction from dynamic synchronization in interaction. Cortex, 135, 355-357. (Commentary on Papeo, L. Twos in human visual perception. Viewpoint paper). (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Frisius, N., Ivansic, D., Schweinberger, S.R., Guntinas-Lichius, O., & Dobel, C. (2021). Phonetic perception but not perception of speaker gender is impaired in chronic tinnitus. Progress in Brain Research, 260, 397-422.
Zhou, X., Itz, M.L., Kaufmann, J.M., Schweinberger, S.R., & Mondloch, C.J. (in press). The other-race effect is not modulated by differential use of shape and texture cues during face learning and recognition. Vision Research.
Dobel, C., Nestler-Collatz, B., Guntinas-Lichius, O., Schweinberger, S.R., & Zäske, R. (2020). Deaf signers outperform hearing non-signers in recognizing happy facial expressions. Psychological Research, 84(6), 1485-1494. (Link to PDF)
Ritter, V., Kaufmann, J.M., Krahmer, F., Wiese, H., Stangier, U., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2020). Neural correlates of own- and other-face perception in body dysmorphic disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:302. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R., Pohl, M., & Winkler, P. (2020). Autistic traits, personality, and evaluation of humanoid robots by young and older adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 106, 106256. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R., von Eiff, C.I., Kirchen, L., Oberhoffner, T., Guntinas-Lichius, O., Dobel, C., Nussbaum, C., Zäske, R., &; Skuk, V.G. (2020). The Role of Stimulus Type and Social Signal for Voice Perception in Cochlear Implant Users: Response to the Letter by Meister H et al. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(12), 4327-4328. (Link to PDF)
Skuk, V.G., Kirchen, L., Oberhoffner, T., Guntinas-Lichius, O., Dobel, C., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2020). Parameter-specific morphing reveals contributions of timbre and F0 cues to the perception of voice gender and age in cochlear implant users. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(9), 3155-3175. (Link to PDF)
Young, A.W., Frühholz, S., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2020). Face and voice perception: Understanding commonalities and differences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25(4), 398-410. (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Skuk, V.G., Golle, J., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2020). The Jena Speaker Set (JESS) – A database of voice stimuli from unfamiliar young and old adult speakers. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 990-1007. (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Skuk, V.G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2020). Attractiveness and distinctiveness between speakers ́ voices in naturalistic speech and their faces are uncorrelated. Royal Society Open Science, 7, 201244. (Link to PDF)
Humble, D., Schweinberger, S.R., Dobel, C., & Zäske, R. (2019). Voices to remember: Comparing neural signatures of intentional and non-intentional voice learning and recognition. Brain Research, 1711, 214-225. (Link to PDF)
Kawahara, H., & Skuk, V.G. (2019). Voice Morphing. In: S. Frühholz and P. Belin (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Voice Perception (Chapter 31, pp. 685-706).
Kowallik, A.E., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2019). Sensor-based Technology for Social Information Processing in Autism: A Review. Sensors, 19, 4787. (Link to PDF)
Latinus, M. & Zäske, R. (2019). Perceptual Correlates and Cerebral Representation of Voices – Identity, Gender and Age. In: S. Frühholz and P. Belin (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Voice Perception (Chapter 25, pp. 561-583).
Schweinberger, S.R. & Zäske, R. (2019). Perceiving Speaker Identity from the Voice. In: S. Frühholz and P. Belin (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Voice Perception (Chapter 24, pp. 539-560).
Skuk, V.G., Palermo, R., Broemer, L., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2019). Autistic Traits are Linked to Individual Differences in Familiar Voice Identification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(7), 2747-2767. (Link to PDF)
Wuttke, S.J., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2019). The P200 predominantly reflects distance-to-norm in face space whereas the N250 reflects activation of identity-specific representations of known faces. Biological Psychology, 140, 86-95. (Link to PDF)
Estudillo, A.J., Kaufmann, J.M, Bindemann, M., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2018). Multisensory Stimulation Modulates Perceptual and Post-perceptual Face Representations: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials. European Journal of Neuroscience, 48(5), 2259-2271. (Link to PDF)
Itz, M.L., Schweinberger, S.R., & Kaufmann, J.M. (2018). Familiar face priming: The role of second-order configuration and individual face recognition abilities. Perception, 47(2), 185-196. (Link to PDF)
Kang, K., Schneider, D., Schweinberger, S.R., & Mitchell, P. (2018). Dissociating neural signatures of mental state retrodiction and classification based on facial expressions. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(9), 933-943. (Link to PDF)
Limbach, K., Kaufmann, J.M., Wiese, H., Witte, O.W., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2018). Enhancement of face-sensitive ERPs in older adults induced by face recognition training. Neuropsychologia, 119, 197-213. (Link to PDF)
Trapp, S.*, Schweinberger, S.R.*, Hayward, W.G., & Kovács, G. (2018). Integrating predictive frameworks and cognitive models of face perception. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25(6), 2016-2023 (Link to PDF) *shared first authorship
Wiese, H., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2018). Inequalities between biases in face memory: Event-related potentials reveal dissociable neural correlates of own-race and own-gender biases. Cortex, 101, 119-135. (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Limbach, K., Schneider, D., Skuk, V.G., Dobel, C., Guntinas-Lichius, O., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2018). Electrophysiological correlates of voice memory for young and old speakers in young and old listeners. Neuropsychologia, 116, 215-227. (Link to PDF)
Ambrus, G.G., Dotzer, M., Schweinberger, S.R., & Kovács, G. (2017). The occipital face area is causally involved in the formation of identity-specific face representations. Brain Structure and Function. Advance Online. (Link to PDF)
Ambrus, G.G., Windel, F., Burton, A.M.., & Kovács, G. (2017). Causal evidence of the involvement of the right occipital face area in face-identity acquisition. NeuroImage, 148, 212-218. (Link to PDF)
Andrews, S., Burton, A.M., Schweinberger, S.R., and Wiese, H. (2017). Event-related potentials reveal the development of stable face representations from natural variability. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(8), 1620-1632. (Link to PDF)
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Competent and warm? How mismatching appearance and accent influence first impressions. Experimental Psychology, 64 (1), 27-36. (Link to PDF)
Hansen, K., Steffens, M. C., Rakić, T., & Wiese, H. (2017). When appearance does not match accent: Neural correlates of ethnicity-related expectancy violations. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(3), 507-515. (Link to PDF)
Itz, M.L., Golle, J., Luttmann, S., Schweinberger, S.R. & Kaufmann, J.M. (2017). Dominance of reflectance over shape in facial identity processing is modulated by individual abilities. British Journal of Psychology, 108(2), 369-396. (Link to PDF)
Itz, M.L., Schweinberger, S.R., & Kaufmann, J.M. (2017). Caricature generalization benefits for faces learned with enhanced idiosyncratic shape or texture. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 185-197. doi:10.3758/s13415-016-0471-y. (Link to PDF)
Kloth, N., Schweinberger, S.R., & Rhodes, G. (2017). Watching the brain recalibrate: Neural correlates of renormalization during face adaptation. NeuroImage, 155, 1-9. (Link to PDF)
Menzel, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Redies, C. Neméth, K., & Kovács, G. (2017). When noise is beneficial for sensory encoding: Noise adaptation can improve face processing. Brain and Cognition, 117, 73-83. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R. & Robertson, D.M.C. (2017). Audiovisual integration in familiar person recognition. Visual Cognition, 25(4-6), 589-610. (Link to PDF)
Simon, D., Becker, M.P., Mothes-Lasch, M., Miltner, W.H., & Straube, T. (2017). Loud and angry: Sound intensity modulates amygdala activation to angry voices in social anxiety disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(3), 409-416. (Link to PDF)
Skuk, V.G., Palermo, R., Broemer, L., & Schweinberger, S.R. (in press). Autistic Traits are Linked to Individual Differences in Familiar Voice Identification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (Link to PDF)
Vakli, P., Nemetha, K., Zimmer, M., & Kovacs, G. (2017). The electrophysiological correlates of integrated face and body-part perception. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(1), 142-153. (Link to PDF)
Wiese, H., Komes, J., Tüttenberg, S., Atzmüller, J., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2017). Age-related changes in face recognition: Neural correlates of repetition and semantic priming in young and older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(8), 1254-1273. (Link to PDF)
Amado, C., Hermann, P., Kovács, P., Grotheer, M., Vidyánszky, Z., and Kovács, G. (2016). The contribution of surprise to the prediction based modulation of fMRI responses. Neuropsychologia, 84, 105-112. (Link to PDF)
Faerber, S.J., Kaufmann, J.M., Leder, H., Martin, E.-M., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2016). The role of familiarity for representations in norm-based face space. PloS One 11(5): e0155380. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0155380. (Link to PDF)
Grotheer, M., Ambrus, G.G., & Kovács, G. (2016). Causal evidence of the involvement of the number form area in the visual detection of numbers and letters. NeuroImage, 132, 314-319. (Link to PDF)
Grotheer, M., Herrmann, K.-H., & Kovács, G. (2016). Neuroimaging evidence of a bilateral representation for visually presented numbers. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(1), 88-97. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2129-15.2016. (Link to PDF)
Grotheer, M., & Kovács, G. (2016). Can predictive coding explain repetition suppression? Cortex, 80, 113-124. (Link to PDF)
Hagemann, J., Straube, T., & Schulz, C. (2016). Too bad: Bias for angry faces in social anxiety interferes with identity processing. Neuropsychologia, 84, 136-149. (Link to PDF)
Hechler, S., Neyer, F. J., & Kessler, T. (2016). The infamous among us: Enhanced reputational memory for uncooperative ingroup members. Cognition, 157, 1-13. (Link to PDF)
Heitmann, C. Y., Feldker, K., Neumeister, P., Zepp, B. M., Peterburs, J., Zwitserlood, P., & Straube, T. (2016). Abnormal brain activation and connectivity to standardized disorder-related visual scenes in social anxiety disorder. Human Brain Mapping, 37(4), 1559-1572. (Link to PDF)
Itz, M.L., Schweinberger, S.R., & Kaufmann, J.M. (2016). Effects of caricaturing in shape or color on familiarity decisions for familiar and unfamiliar faces. PloS One, 11(2): e0149796. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0149796. (Link to PDF)
Kachel, S., Steffens, M.C., & Niedlich, C. (2016). Traditional masculinity and femininity: Validation of a new scale assessing gender roles. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00956. (Link to PDF)
Kovács, G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2016). Repetition suppression – an integrative view. (Guest Editorial). Cortex, 80, 1-4. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2016.04.022. (Link to PDF)
Kreysa, H., Kessler, L., & Schweinberger S.R. (2016). Direct speaker gaze promotes trust in trugh-ambiguous statements. PLoS One, 11(9): e0162291. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162291. (Link to PDF)
Lin, H., Müller-Bardorff, M., Mothes-Lasch, M., Buff, C., Brinkmann, L., Miltner, W.H., & Straube, T. (2016). Effects of Intensity of Facial Expressions on Amygdalar Activation Independently of Valence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 646. (Link to PDF)
Lin, H., Schulz, C., & Straube, T. (2016). Effects of expectation congruency on event-related potentials (ERPs) to facial expressions depend on cognitive load during the expectation phase. Biological Psychology, 120, 126-136. (Link to PDF)
Mothes-Lasch, M., Becker, M.P.I., Miltner, W.H.R., & Straube, T. (2016). Neural basis of processing threatening voices in a crowded auditory world. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(5), 821-828. (Link to PDF)
Müller-Bardorff, M., Schulz, C., Peterburs, J., Bruchmann, M., Mothes-Lasch, M., Miltner, W., & Straube, T. (2016). Effects of emotional intensity under perceptual load: An event-related potentials (ERPs) study. Biological Psychology, 117, 141-149. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R., & Neumann, M.F. (2016). Repetition effects in human ERPs to faces. Cortex, 80, 141-153. (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Perlich, M.-C., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2016). To hear or not to hear: Voice processing under visual load. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 1488-1495. (Link to PDF)
Boehme, S., Miltner, W.H., & Straube, T. (2015). Neural correlates of self-focused attention in social anxiety. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(6), 856-862. (Link to PDF)
Burton, A.M., Schweinberger, S.R., Jenkins, R., & Kaufmann, J.M. (2015). Arguments against a ´configural processing´ account of familiar face recognition. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(4), 482-496. doi: 10.1177/1745691615583129. (Link to PDF)
Faerber, S. J., Kaufmann, J. M., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2015). Early temporal negativity is sensitive to perceived (rather than physical) facial identity. Neuropsychologia, 75(C), 132-142. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.05.023 (Link to PDF)
Grotheer M, Kovács G (2015). The relationship between stimulus repetitions and fulfilled expectations. Neuropsychologia, 67(C), 175-182. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.12.017. (Link to PDF)
Kloth, N., Damm, M., Schweinberger, S.R., & Wiese, H. (2015). Aging affects sex categorization of male and female faces in opposite ways. Acta Psychologica, 158, 78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.actapsy.2015.04.005. (Link to PDF)
Kloth, N., Rhodes, G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2015). Absence of sex-contingent gaze direction aftereffects suggests a limit to contingencies in face aftereffects. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1829, 1-11. (Link to PDF)
Komes, J., Schweinberger, S.R., & Wiese, H. (2015). Neural correlates of cognitive aging during the perception of facial age: The role of relatively distant and local texture information. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1420, 1-16. (Link to PDF)
Lin, H., Schulz, C., & Straube, T. (2015). Cognitive tasks during expectation affect the congruency ERP effects to facial expressions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 596. (Link to PDF)
Lin, H., Schulz, C., & Straube, T. (2015). Fearful contextual expression impairs the encoding and recognition of target faces: an ERP study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 237. (Link to PDF)
Menzel, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U., Langner, O., Wiese, H., & Redies, C. (2015). Fourier power spectrum characteristics of face photographs: Attractiveness perception depends on low-level image properties. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0122801. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122801. (Link to PDF)
Neumann, M.F., End, A., Luttmann, S., Schweinberger, S.R., & Wiese, H. (2015). The own-age bias in face memory is unrelated to differences in attention – evidence from event-related potentials. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, 180-192. doi: 10.3758/s13415-014-0306-7. (Link to PDF)
Redies, C. (2015). Combining universal beauty and cultural context in a unifying model of visual aesthetic experience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 218, 1-20. (Link to PDF)
Redies, C., Brachmann, A., & Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2015). Changes of Statistical Properties During the Creation of Graphic Artworks. Art & Perception, 3, 93-116. (Link to PDF)
Skuk, V.G., Dammann, L.M., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2015). Role of timbre and fundamental frequency in voice gender adaptation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(2), 1180-1193. doi: 10.1121/1.4927696. (Link to PDF)
Wiese, H., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2015). Getting connected: Both associative and semantic links structure semantic memory for newly learned persons. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(11). 2131-2148. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2015.1008526. (Link to PDF)
Zäske, R., Muehl, C., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2015). Benefits for voice learning caused by concurrent faces develop over time. PloS One, 10(11): e0143151. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143151. (Link to PDF)
Zimmer, M., Zbanţ, A., Németh, K., & Kovács, G. (2015) Adaptation Duration Dissociates Category-, Image-, and Person-Specific Processes on Face-Evoked Event-Related Potentials. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1945. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01945. (Link to PDF)
Amirshahi, S.A., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Denzler, J., & Redies, C. (2014) Evaluating the Rule of Thirds in Photographs and Paintings. Art & Perception, 2, 163-182. doi: 10.1163/22134913-00002024
Boehme, S., Mohr, A., Becker, M.P., Miltner, W.H., & Straube, T. (2014). Area-dependent time courses of brain activation during video-induced symptom provocation in social anxiety disorder. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders, 4, 6. (Link to PDF)
Giles, H., & Rakić, T. (2014). Language attitudes: The social determinants and consequences of language variation. In T. Holtgraves (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grotheer, M., & Kovács, G. (2014). Repetition probability effects depend on prior experiences. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(19), 6640-6646. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5326-13.2014
Grotheer, M., Hermann, P., Vidnyanszky, Z., & Kovács, G. (2014). Repetition probability effects for inverted faces. Neuroimage, 102 P2, 416-423. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.006
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2014). When actions speak louder than words: Preventing discrimination of nonstandard speakers. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33, 66-75. doi:10.1177/0261927X13499761
Itz, M.L., Schweinberger, S.R., Schulz, C., & Kaufmann, J.M. (2014). Neural correlates of facilitations in face learning by selective caricaturing of facial shape or reflectance. NeuroImage, 102, 736-747. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.042
Karasawa, M., Maass, A., Rakić, T., & Kato, A. (2014). The emergent nature of culturally meaningful categorization and language use: A Japanese-Italian comparison of age categories. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(3), 431-451. (Link to PDF)
Komes, J., Schweinberger, S. R., & Wiese, H. (2014). Preserved fine-tuning of face perception and memory: Evidence from the own-race bias in high- and low performing older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6:60, 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00060
Komes, J., Schweinberger, S. R., & Wiese, H. (2014). Fluency affects source memory for familiar names in younger and older adults: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. NeuroImage, 92, 90-105. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.02.009
Kovács, G., Vogels, R. (2014). When does repetition suppression depend on repetition probability? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 685. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00685
Mallon, B., Redies, C., & Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2014). Beauty in abstract paintings: Perceptual contrast and statistical properties. :Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 161. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00161
Németh K, Zimmer M, Schweinberger SR, Vakli P, Kovács G. (2014) The background of reduced face specificity of N170 in congenital prosopagnosia. PLoS One, 9(7), e101393. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.010139
Németh K, Kovács P, Vakli P, Kovács G, Zimmer M Phase noise reveals early category-specific modulation of the event-related potentials. Front. Psychol., Apr 24;5:367. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00367. eCollection 2014
Németh K, Zimmer M, Nagy K, Bankó É, Vidnyánszky Z, Vakli P, Kovács G (2014) Altered BOLD response within the core face-processing network in congenital prosopagnosia. PLoS ONE 07/2014; 9(7).
Sauer, A., Mothes-Lasch, M., Miltner, W.H., & Straube, T. (2014). Effects of gaze direction, head orientation, and valence of facial expression on amygdala activity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(8), 1246-1252. (Link to PDF)
Schweinberger, S.R., & Schneider, D. (2014). Wahrnehmung von Personen und soziale Kognition. Psychologische Rundschau, 65(4), 212-226.
Schweinberger, S.R., Kawahara, H., Simpson, A.P., Skuk, V.G., & Zaeske, R. (2014). Speaker Perception. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 5, 15-25. (Link to PDF)
Skuk, V.G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2014). Influences of fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, aperiodicity and spectral level information on the perception of voice gender. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 285-296. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2013/12-0314)
Vakli P, Németh K, Zimmer M, Kovács G. (2014) The face evoked steady-state visual potentials are sensitive to the orientation, viewpoint, expression and configuration of the stimuli. Int. J. Psychophys, 94(3), 336-350. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.10.008
Vakli P, Németh K, Zimmer M, Schweinberger S, Kovács G (2014) Altering second-order configurations reduces the adaptation effects on early face-sensitive event-related potential components. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 426 (8 pages). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00426
Walther C, Schweinberger SR, Kovács G (2014) Decision dependent aftereffects for faces. Vision Research, 100, 47-55.
Wiese, H., Altmann, C. S., Schweinberger, S. R. (2014). Effects of attractiveness on face memory separated from distinctiveness: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Neuropsychologia, 56, 26-36. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.12.023
Wiese, H., Kaufmann, J. M., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2014). The neural signature of the own-race bias: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 826-835. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhs369
Wolff, N., Kempter, K., Schweinberger, S. R., & Wiese, H. (2014). What drives social in-group biases in face recognition memory? ERP evidence from the own-gender bias. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 580-590. doi:10.1093/scan/nst024
Zäske, R., Volberg, G., Kovács, G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2014). Electrophysiological correlates of voice learning and recognition. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(33), 10821-10831. (Link to PDF)
Braun, J., Amirshahi, S.A., Denzler, J., & Redies, C. (2013) Statistical image properties of print advertisements, visual artworks and images of architecture. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:808. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00808
Della Sala, S., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). Face blindness and person misidentification in non-scientific parlance. Cortex, 49(8), 2276-2280. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2013.05.001
Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U., Kloth, N., Schweinberger, S. R., & Redies, C. (2013). Adaptation effects to attractiveness of face photographs and art portraits are domain-specific. iPerception, 4(5), 303-316. doi:10.1068/i0583
Kaiser, D., Walther, C. Schweinberger, S. R., & Kovács, G. (2013). Dissociating the neural bases of repetition-priming and adaptation in the human brain for faces. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(12), 2727-2738. doi:10.1152/jn.00277.2013
Kaufmann, J. M., Schulz, C., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). High and low performers differ in the use of shape information for face recognition. Neuropsychologia, 51(7),1310-1319. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.03.015
Keresztes, A., Kaiser, D., Kovács, G., & Racsmány, M. (2013). Testing Promotes Long-Term Learning via Stabilizing Activation Patterns in a Large Network of Brain Areas. Cerebral Cortex, Jun 24.doi:10.1093/cercor/bht158
Kloth, N., Itier, R. J., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). Combined effects of inversion and feature removal on N170 responses elicited by faces and car fronts. Brain and Cognition, 81(3), 321-328. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2013.01.002
Kovács, G., Kaiser D., Kaliukhovich, D., Vidnyánszky, Z., & Vogels, R. (2013). Repetition probability does not affect fMRI repetition suppression for objects. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(23), 9805-9812. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3423-12.2013
Kovács, G., Zimmer, M., Volberg, G., Lavric, I., & Rossion, B. (2013). Electrophysiological correlates of visual adaptation and sensory competition. Neuropsychologia, 51(8), 1488-1496. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.04.016
Melmer, T., Amirshahi, S.A., Koch, M., Denzler, J., & Redies, C. (2013) From regular text to artistic writing and artworks: Fourier statistics of images with low and high aesthetic appeal. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:106. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00106
Mothes-Lasch, M., Mentzel, H. J., Miltner, W. H. R., & Straube, T. (2013). Amygdala activation to fearful faces under attentional load. Behavioural Brain Research, 237,172-175. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2012.09.033
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Walther, C., Schweinberger, S. R., Kaiser, D., & Kovács, G. (2013). Neural correlates of priming and adaptation in familiar face perception. Cortex, 49(7), 1963-1977. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.08.012
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Wiese, H., Kachel, U., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). Holistic face processing of own- and other-age faces in young and older adults: ERP evidence from the composite face task. NeuroImage, 74, 306-317. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.02.051
Wiese, H., Komes, J., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). Aging faces in aging minds: A review on the own-age bias in face recognition. Visual Cognition, 21(9-10), 1337-1363. doi:10.1080/13506285.2013.823139
Wiese, H., Wolff, N., Steffens, M. C., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). How experience shapes memory for faces: An event-related potential study on the own-age bias.Biological Psychology, 94(2), 369-379. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.07.001
Zäske, R., Fritz, C., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2013). Spatial inattention abolishes voice adaptation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75(3), 603-613. doi:10.3758/s13414-012-0420-y
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Kaufmann, J.M., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2012). The faces you remember: Caricaturing shape facilitates brain processes reflecting the acquisition of new face representations. Biological Psychology, 89(1), 21-33. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.08.011
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Wiese, H., Kloth, N., Güllmar, D., Reichenbach, J. R., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2012). Perceiving age and gender in unfamiliar faces: An fMRI study on face categorization. Brain and Cognition, 78, 163-168. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2011.10.012
Wiese, H., Komes, J., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2012). Daily-life contact affects the own-age bias and neural correlates of face memory in elderly participants. Neuropsychologia, 50, 3496-3508. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.09.022
Wolff, N., Wiese, H., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2012). Face recognition memory across the adult lifespan: ERP evidence from the own-age bias. Psychology and Aging, 27(4), 1066-1081. doi: 10.1037/a0029112
Vakli, P., Németh, K., Zimmer, M., Schweinberger, S. R., & Kovács, G. (2012). Face distortion aftereffects evoked by featureless first-order stimulus configurations. Special Topic: Aftereffects in face processing (Ed.: P.J. Hills). Frontiers in Psychology, 3(566), 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00566
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Burton, A. M., Jenkins, R., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2011). Mental representations of familiar faces. British Journal of Psychology, 102(4), 943-958. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2011.02039.x
Kloth, N., Altmann, C. S., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2011). Facial attractiveness biases the perception of eye contact. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(10), 1906-1918. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.587254
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Schweinberger, S. R., & Burton, A. M. (2011). Person perception 25 years after Bruce and Young (1986): An Introduction. British Journal of Psychology, 102(4), 695-703. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2011.02070.x
Schweinberger, S. R., Walther, C., Zäske, R., & Kovács, G. (2011). Neural correlates of adaptation to voice identity. British Journal of Psychology, 102(4), 748-764. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2011.02048.x
Schweinberger, S. R., & Wiese, H. (2011). Why some faces will not be remembered: Current ERP evidence on memory encoding for other-race and other-age faces. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5: 104. doi:10.3389/fnins.2011.00104
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Schweinberger, S. R., & Burton, A. M. (Guest Editors). Person Perception 25 years after Bruce and Young (1986). Special Issue of the British Journal of Psychology, 102(4), 2011.
Schweinberger, S. R., Kloth, N., & Robertson, D. M. C. (2011). Hearing facial identities: Brain correlates of face-voice integration in person identification. Cortex, 47, 1026-1037. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2010.11.011
Straube, T., Mothes-Lasch, M., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2011). Neural mechanisms of the automatic processing of emotional information from faces and voices. British Journal of Psychology (Special issue: Person perception 25 years after Bruce & Young, 1986), 102, 830–848. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8295.2011.02056.x
Straube, T., Trippe, R., Schmidt, S., Weiss, T., Hecht, H., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2011). Dissociation of Acquisition and Expression of Fear Conditioned Responses Under Working Memory Load. Emotion, 11, 209-213. doi:10.1037/a0021157
Theodoni, P., Kovács G., Greenlee, M. W., & Deco, G. (2011). Neuronal Adaptation Effects in Decision Making. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 234-246. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2757-10.2011
Zäske, R., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2011). You are only as old as you sound: Auditory aftereffects in vocal age perception. Hearing Research, 282(1-2), 283-288. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2011.06.008
Zimmer, M., & Kovács, G. (2011a). Electrophysiological correlates of face distortion aftereffects. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 533-544.doi:10.1080/17470218.2010.501964
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Cziraki, C., Greenlee, M. W., & Kovács, G. (2010). Neural Correlates of High-Level Adaptation-Related Aftereffects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103,1410-1417. doi: 10.1152/jn.00582.2009
Kloth, N., Schweinberger, S. R., & Kovács, G. (2010). Neural Correlates of Generic versus Gender-specific Face Adaptation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 2345-2356. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21329
Kovács, G., Cziraki, C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2010). Neural correlates of stimulus-invariant decisions about motion in depth. NeuroImage, 51, 329-335. doi:/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.02.011
Martens, U., Leuthold, H., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2010). Parallel processing in face perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(1), 103-121.
Robertson, D.M.C., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2010). The role of audiovisual asynchrony in person recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(1), 23-30.
Schmidt, S., Mohr, A., Miltner, W. H., & Straube, T. (2010). Task-dependent neural correlates of the processing of verbal threat-related stimuli in social phobia. Biological Psychology, 84(2), 304-312. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.03.005
Schweinberger, S. R., Zäske, R., Walther, C., Golle, J., Kovács, G., & Wiese, H. (2010). Young without Plastic Surgery: Perceptual adaptation to the age of female and male faces. Vision Research, 50, 2570-2576. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.017
Stahl, J., Wiese, H., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2010). Learning task affects ERP-correlates of the Own-Race Bias, but not Recognition Memory Performance. Neuropsychologia, 48(7), 2027-2040.
Straube, T., Dietrich, C., Mothes-Lasch, M., Mentzel, H. J., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2010). The Volatility of the amygdala response to masked fearful eyes. Human Brain Mapping, 31(10), 1601-1608. doi:10.1002/hbm.20960
Straube, T., Langohr, B., Schmidt, S., Mentzel, H. J., & Miltner, W. H. R. (2010). Increased amygdala activation to averted versus direct gaze in humans is independent of valence of facial expression. NeuroImage, 49, 2680-2686. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.10.074
Zäske, R., Schweinberger, S. R., & Kawahara, H. (2010). Voice Aftereffects of Adaptation to Speaker Identity. Hearing Research, 268, 38-45. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2010.04.011